Residency Rules

Bold Predictions for 2024!

In another one of our favourite annual traditions, we offer up some bold predictions for 2024! From who will win to big event changes, we offer up some thoughts on what could transpire in the world of curling over the next 12 months. We then wrap up with a couple great emails we received over the holidays!

Do you like our predictions? What do you foresee for the year? 

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2023 Bold Predictions

The guys are back with one of their favourite annual traditions - bold predictions for the year to come! They start by recapping which of last year's predictions came true and then give 13 bold predictions for 2023. They go from championships to breakups to off the ice stories to outline what could be some of the biggest stories of the year.

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What's the Word? New Team Edition

This week, Sean and Scott go through some of the biggest new teams announced during curling's free agent frenzy. They go through 10 women's and 10 men's teams and give their words to describe each of the new lineups. They also talk about how they think the teams will stack up next year and how some of the most competitive provinces will look as we enter the new Olympic quad.

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