In this episode, Sean and Scott break down each position on a curling team and discuss the skills and personality traits that are required to thrive in each spot.
Pros and Cons of Bonspiels
In this episode Sean and Scott discuss the pros and cons of playing in club bonspiels. They look at everything from ice conditions to food to costs as they break down the world of weekend curling warriors.
How to Improve Curling
In this episode, Sean and Scott offer some suggestions for rule changes that could improve the sport. This includes rules for everyone from club curlers to world champions.
What Makes a Good Curling Club
In this episode, Sean and Scott rank the elements that make a good curling club. They talk about the ice, lounge, locker rooms, parking, beer selection, people, and more.
Summer 'Spieling in Knoxville, TN
In this episode, Sean and Scott travel to Knoxville, TN to play in the Rocky Top Open bonspiel. The episode follows them through the weekend as they talk about the ice conditions, the other teams, and the pros and cons of summer bonspiels. They also talk to one of the local players and one of the Canadian icemakers about the challenges of curling in the South and the grassroots game in the United States.